Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Part of the human race presently are infinite hypocrites who are beggars.
Part are infinite hypocrites who are rich and use inventions to master time travel with the assistance of evil spirits.

Through modern infinitely hypocritical modern transport inventions.

To make themselves devilishly  rich above everything jesus christ warns mortals of in this life.

Regarding putting earthly devilish riches above jesus in every way in this life.
As john 12" 25 warns.
While they use such an invention to defy hebrews 13: 4 and deuteronomy 17 verse 17 on all counts.

Such total deliberate hypocritical weirdos also use such time travelling inventions for corrupt perverse sexual pleasures galore presently.
Like the obvious cursed fucking goofy self righteous deviant devilish quack jobs they obviously are.
Which such devils in human form conceal from other hypocrites throughout this present sinful presently ridiculous unjust  hypocritical universe.

Such devilish  goofs presently everywhere surrounding me on this planet have even used such a corrupt invention to rape the spouse christ intended me in this existence.
And they've actually done that through a manipulation of the set space time contiumunmm in this life ridiculously hypocritically on a continual basis likewise.
Pathetic goofs.

Then they self righteously smile and condemn god for what's addressed in deuteronomy 28: 58 to 59.
Such deviants curse god for the fact corona virus is prevalent throughout earth presently.
And such deviants curse jesus.
For bringing diseases upon devilish assholes.
Who commit such fucked atrocities every day.
To destroy earth!!

I'm gonna expose such hypocrites for committing such sins.
As luke 12: 2 to 3 and EPHESIANS 5: 11 warn me to do.

You fucking goofs!!
I own christianitys saints!
I blow you away in righteousness galore!!
Regarding all previous existences combined.
That's obvious.
In connection to luke 4" 4 of christianity.
You dared to commit such unforgivable deliberate atrocious hypocritical sins in my presence!!

Fuck all who committed such deliberate sinful hypocritical sins .

And such total deviant self righteous whack jobs commit such unforgivable sins continually.

In deliberate continual unforgivable defiance of hebrews 10: 26 - 27 and matthew 18: verse 7.

Then the same total unforgivable deviants place happy smiles on their faces and boast that they are  sinless in this life.

While they hypocritically murder mother earth each day too.
While such deviants sexually assault and murder the spouses christ intended me in this life too!!!

Through unneccacary unforgivable absolutely atrocious modern inventions!!!

And ya know what??
this era of total hypocrites commit ten billion other hypocrisies against christianitys holy ghost and me.


You ridiculous total hypocritical idiots!!!

I blow you hypocrites on earth away in righteousness galore combined.

As all the facts of all existences prove irrefutably!!!.

You total fucks.

Be warned oo earths inhabitants.

I've had enough of this goofy deliberate unforgivable idiotic hypocritical sinful wacky  nonsense displayed on the part of earths present evil deliberately hypocritical inhabitants.

I'm giving you your last v fucking warning.
.connected to my divinity.
And c1q96 of christianitys holy spirit spoken through a prophet humans call nostradamus.
In this existence of man..

Before I call the god mercury to kill  all hypocritical mortals on earth presently...
As c4q28 states.
Connected to 2nd esdras 13.

The god mercury will expose a pack of infinite hypocrites to the fires addressed by saint john the divine in revelation 20: 7 to 10.

On my calling and order.

He simple awaits my command.
You ridiculous fucking goofs on earth today.
While I dispose of evil spirits and evil fuxking gods.
Presently rebellious to jesus.
Dwelling throughout this present universe.

Be warned you sinful fucked up  assholes on earth presently.

I'm fucking angry with your deliberate hypocrisies galore !!!

Approaching cars any longer is atrocious hypocrisies galore on the part of earths present callous inhabitants.

Put a stop to it now.

Or I will.

Connected to the warning addressed by the holy ghost in christianity in 2nd esdras 13.
In alignment to 2nd peter 1: 19 - 21.

And 2nd esdras 7: 29 to 32.

You incredibly unjust fucked hypocritical goofs on earth today.




Heres a Warning to earths present infinite hypocrites everywhere.

Get these cars and trains and jets and rockets off this planet earth right now.

Or I will righteously kill you all...


Very soon.


The pure sacred essence of c3q94 and c5q79 of the quatrains of nostradamus.

Spoken through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21.

And christianitys Holy ghost.

I am righteousness.

Above all beings.

And my only mistake ever was trying to be patient with total hypocrites.

Regarding this era of total deviant cursed hypocrites.

I am divine righteousness.

As christianitys holy ghost warns humans of.


C5q79 of the prophesies of nostradamus.

Regarding me.

And of a truth every other present inhabitant of earth presently has clearly proven they are the most atrocious hypocrites ever.

Bar none.

Bar no previous existences.


My only dilemma.

In this present existence.

As 1st cor 15: 33 and 2nd peter 3: 7 to 17 warn all.

Bad companions ruin good character.

The number of whom is of the sand of the sea.

As revelation 20 : 7 to 10 gives me warning of.

I am unfortunately totally surrounded by total pieces of spiritual shit.

Who need to worship me.

Because earths present inhabitants are incredibly hypocritical diabolical clear pieces of unholy shit.


So be warned: you deliberate atrocious hypocrites on earth.

Presently in this existence.

I swear by the name of jesus christ I will annihilate everyone presently on earth if humans do not stop murdering mother earth every day with atrocious hypocritical inventions.

Take that warning seriously.

This era of deviants place infinite hypocrisies above jesus christ and above the welfare of mother earth each mortal day.

And mother earth dies a horrible death every single mortal day.

I explain that matter appropriately in my websites I address to cursed humans of this age.





Now on that note I begin this sacred website.

Be warned.

Summarizing all the relevant facts to this existence appropriately. That is the purpose to the following website.

Image result for images of craziness


Just prior to a reversal of the human aging process.

In connection to c4q97 of the prophesies of a christian french jewish prophet humans in this life originally called ●●●●michel gasonuay.::: 


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Revelation 19: 11.

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